We'll get you hired.

Land a better job.
Faster than you would alone.

Increase your salary by $30-$100K

After 2 years in your new role, even after Offerhunt's fees.

96% of Americans

are looking for a better job. Offerhunt helps you stay ahead.

Forget applying

We apply to 50-100 jobs each week until you accept an offer.

Offerhunt's end-to-end process

Offerhunt will execute a robust search on your behalf, get you invited to and through interviews, and orchestrate timelines so competing offers create the best environment for a great outcome.

Your only obligation is to attend the interviews we send to your inbox, listen to feedback from your coach, and stay positive.

We pair you with a coach

Your coach will handle all the work crafting you a new resume and interview strategy, after teasing out the details, data points, and powerful anecdotes of your work history with you.

We get you interviews

Our deep search and robust follow-through put you in front of every opportunity, but you’ll only hear from companies who want to talk. No rejections. No noise.

We prepare and get you through interviews

Your coach will help you go into interviews with confidence. Mock sessions, post-interview debriefs, and a deliberate practice will prepare you, hold you accountable, and support your mental health through it all.

We pace your process to create competing offers

Like traffic control for the companies you're interviewing, we’ll track your progress and pace each interview track so you can hope to get competing offers all around the same time.

We objectively appraise offers

You get our objective assessment of everything from the quality of the health benefits, to stipends, stock grants, and other perks, so you can compare the holistic value of each offer, to you.

Come prepared to each negotiation

We help you develop a clear understanding of what you want, and help you communicate clearly and respectfully about any gaps so that companies understand what flexibility they have to make theirs stand out.

We’ll support you through every stage of your search.

Build the career you deserve

Start a great job, sooner than you think.

Job hunting is better with Offerhunt

Faster turn-around to your next role

Shorten your time between jobs or at a job that isn’t right for you. We hit the ground running and don’t stop until you’re satisfied.

Your mental health, protected

Save yourself the stress. With our all-inclusive service, there is no crowded inbox to monitor, no applications to submit. You’ll learn to play to your strengths and start going into interviews with confidence.

Find more of what’s important (to you)

Be it a new challenges, a great mentor and peers, or an important mission, a deep, methodical search will yield more options and make it more likely you find what you’re looking for.

Better short- and long-term outcomes

Changing jobs from a position of strength yields a permanent boost in your career. We’ll find you a salary that meets your short-term needs and long-term goals.

Get started for $149 / week

  1. Run your search with a weekly $149 retainer.

  2. After you start your new job, pay the balance of 9.7% of your first year’s salary, less what you’ve already paid in retainer fees, in 12 equal monthly payments.

We offer financing and installments. With exceptions, our fees are tax-deductible.

  • No cancellation penalty

  • No per-application fees

  • No surprises




Why do you charge both a weekly retainer, and placement fee?

This may surprise you, but we’ve had to hunt for jobs, too. We understand, and work only for job seekers. We are not paid by companies. To keep our incentives aligned, we charge a placement fee of 9.7% of your new annual salary, paid in 12 equal monthly payments starting AFTER you've received your first paycheck. To balance protecting the cost of starting up your search, while allowing you to cancel any time without penalties, there is a retainer fee of $149 / week. Retainer fees are counted as money already paid toward your placement fee, so there’s no double-dipping.

Who can Offerhunt help?

We support US-based remote workers of all stripes. As long as you do not need work authorization, we can help — whether you are a senior software engineer, or an entry-level accountant.

What do you guarantee?

We can't guarantee you'll get a specific job, earn a specific salary, or get a certain number of interviews. Any one job seeker's exact outcome depends on factors out of our control, like their experience, the type of job they're looking for, and the overall job market, and we don't want to argue with our clients over refunds. Instead, we guarantee we will run a robust process for you that maximizes your overall success, and offer our service without any required commitments or cancellation penalties. If you don't like our work, we'll stop and you can keep your new resume.

Take control of your career.

Take control of your career.

Take control of your career.

© Offerhunt LLC. 2023